ArtSet Pro by Jeannie Mecorney

Love your iPad but miss the look of real oil brush strokes, the soft, blendable charcoal line or the waxy look of oil pastels? This is the app for you!

Learn this stunningly beautiful app by our education director Jeannie Mecorney. This app provides a traditional natural feel in the art tools and resulting image! You will love this program especially if you are traditionally trained. Use oil brushes, pastels, conte crayon, charcoal, felt pens, drawing pencils and pens and be amazed at the look and feel of these art materials. You are only missing the smell, sound and mess of real art media! 

Communicate directly with your instructor in the forum box in each lesson! Register now and start painting right away!

Course Description

This course starts with an introduction to your instructor and contains 4 lessons covering all the art tools available to you in Art Set. Jeannie shares her knowledge of painting and the nuts and bolts of this app as well as some tips and hidden gems in using the oil brushes and blending tools. You are able to start and stop the videos to make sure you understand each step and concept she covers. Even if this is your first digital art app you will find just how easy and beautiful this app is.

Tool settings and painting techniques including painting from a reference photograph are included in these lessons. There is no time limit, once you purchase these lessons, they are yours to access anytime, anywhere and over and over again!

Note: This app is for the iPad only and the lessons cover the full Pro version [less than $10]. The developers have indicated porting it to the Android world, but not as yet.


Learn more about your instructor and her enthusiasm for this great painting app.

Lesson 1:
 The Basics
How to open the App and how to create a new Canvas. A close look at the 7 oil paint brushes, tinting paint, loading paint and using an empty brush to blend paint.

Create a new canvas in the ArtSet app

Lesson 2: Tool Drawer
We investigate the rest of the art materials in the tool drawer including the 6 blenders. We will then paint some clouds!

Investigating the o=painting tool drawer in the ArtSet App

Lesson 3: Using a Reference Photo

We will open a new canvas from a photograph. We will choose a limited palette from the photograph, mix new colors, paint over the photograph and save our painting to our portfolio.

Lesson 4: Printing,
 Posting and Beyond
This last lesson covers sharing our painting with the world! Explaining the file type and the size restrictions for your image when printing.

And finally, as Bob Ross said, "Happy Painting!"

About the Instructor

Jeannie Mecorney
Education Director, MobileArt.HOW

 Jeannie is a traditionally trained artist with over 25 years as a graphic designer in film, animation, print, television and the web before creating the Multimedia Art and Technology program [currently the Digital Art and Animation program] at Cañada College in Redwood City, California. She created curriculum and taught digital painting, photography, imaging, illustration, graphic design, color management and photo restoration. She loves studio and en plein air painting and taking her digital tablet and phone wherever she goes. She has said; “There is no down time waiting for the doctor, an oil change, at a concert or waiting for a friend who ‘just has to get a few things at the store!’ And for traveling it is fantastic for painted memories.” She is the Education Director at MobileArt.HOW.


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